Tag Archives: skill sessions

Assembly Pictures & Ranks!

Here are the pictures from a great time out at Ranks this morning!  We have had an absolute blast this summer!

Playing Hard!

Ranks and Skill Sessions can be tiring!  We have lots of activities for campers that are open to choose what they want to do.  Campers today got to do all sorts of fun Ranks.  Take a look!

Friday Ranks & Skill Sessions!

We had lots of things happening this morning at camp.  Soccer Camp worked on three different types of kick; the punt, drop kick, and side volley.  Lacrosse Camp worked on some passing drills.  The communication between the campers in lacrosse camp is amazing, they work well together and always do a great job talking to their partners and teammates!  While Sports Camp was running drills and learning skills Camp O was as well.  Younger campers got to take the pitch for soccer, older kids at football, and creative arts was also open.  Enjoy some pictures from this morning at camp!

Scrimmages, Masks, Archery, and More!

Ranks always give our campers a variety of activities to choose from.  We had a Camp O – Sports Camp basketball scrimmage, a soccer rank scrimmage, archery, and fitness.  At Creative Arts campers were making masks.  Lastly, we celebrated one of our camper’s 10th birthdays!  At  the Front Porch campers were treated to music from a record player.  Have a look at the morning at Ranks!

Pictures From Ranks

This morning was a busy time out at Ranks!  Campers had the choice of playing some instruments, passing off levels at football, soccer, basketball, and archery.  It was awesome to see the amazing art work our campers are making in creative arts.  The effort and hard work put in by both campers and Linelle at Creative Arts has been awesome to watch.

Monday’s Radical Ranks

Ranks are one of the most important parts of our days at camp.  Campers are able to learn skills and have that knowledge translate into passing off levels in their Ranks Book.  We also use Ranks as a time to prepare our campers for upcoming events during the week.  This week, campers going to soccer rank will be practicing and preparing to play Camp Rising Sun on Thursday, archery rank is always readying campers for an archery challenge against Rising Sun as well, and lastly wrestling rank is getting campers focused for a Camp O wrestling tournament on Friday.  We will update everyone as the week progresses.

To Whoville and Beyond! (the morning at Ranks)

Camp is a big place!  We have several classrooms, a gym that is slightly bigger than Cameron Indoor Stadium’s (in terms of gym floor space), an outdoor basketball court, an archery range, a front lawn for soccer, and many other places we use for activities.  On Monday mornings we hold a camper tour for our campers to get the feel for the areas we use at Mills Park.  Once the tour is completed our campers are free to choose any open rank and begin passing off skills in his or her’s Rank Book.

Thursday’s Ranks

Thursday’s Ranks

While Josh was at the basketball game on Thursday, a couple of people filled in to take some pictures at Ranks!  Campers were working hard to pass over levels at Ranks because there will be a Delta Party tomorrow.  Delta is the fourth level of skills as listed in the Ranks books.  To pass off skills at the Delta level it takes commitment and hard work.  At last report, we had close to 40 campers who had passed off Delta and will be attending the party this morning during Ranks!  Way to go campers!

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From Ranks to Skill Sessions

We offer lots of different Ranks and activities for our campers at Outer Limits.  Ranks gives each camper an opportunity to learn news skills and pass off level in their Ranks Book.  Meanwhile, at Sports Camp, campers are still working hard to pass of skills but the focus is much greater.  Campers at Sports Camp have skill sessions in which they can showcase their abilities and what they have learned.  We have some pictures we’d like to show you from Ranks and Skill Sessions.  There may also be one of the best photo bombs from the summer included among the pictures…  Have a look!

Soccer 101

We wrapped up an exciting week of soccer activities this week with a skill session led by a couple players from the NC State Men’s Soccer team.  They volunteered their time to come out and spend a couple hours with our campers.  They played games, had some challenges, and even handed out a few prizes.  We’d just like to say thanks to the guys for coming out to camp and giving their time to teach our campers some soccer!