Tag Archives: morning assembly

The Last Day: Part I

We are doing our best to slow down time and keep this day going!  Memories have been made thus far through Flag Pole, Assembly, Would You Rather Thursday and the first hour of Ranks.  Have a look!

Last Wacky Wednesday!

Camp has flown by this summer.  Yet, we are still grateful for the moments that we experienced today!  Here are some pictures from this morning’s assembly!

Blog Post Number 300!

It has been amazing to see the growth and following of our camp’s blog.  We have added new features and have always strived to provide the best possible picture of our camp on this blog.  If you have any other family or friends that might be interested in checking out what our campers get up to during the day direct them here to the blog!  Thanks to the parents who have supported this blog and this camp, Camp Outer Limits!

Here are the pictures from Flag Pole and Morning Assembly.  The Double Dare Tuesday Challenge involved Connor and Jai.  Jai had 30 seconds to get as much baby lotion on Connor as possible, with his feet!

8-13 Assembly Videos

For assembly this morning we had a rap battle Messy Monday that ended with Linelle getting pied in the face with baby lotion, and a skit that featured a time traveling thief, a time traveling detective and some friendly faces from Week 2 of Camp!  Take a look at both videos!


New School for the Week!

For our last week of Camp Outer Limits we will be operating out of Mills Park Elementary.  We are excited to be here and we can’t wait to see what these last few days have in store for us.  Here are the pictures from Morning Assembly and Ranks.

Assembly Pictures & Ranks!

Here are the pictures from a great time out at Ranks this morning!  We have had an absolute blast this summer!

Friday Assembly Videos

Here are some more videos.  These come from this morning’s assembly.  Today is our last day at Mills Park Middle School for the summer, don’t worry we’ll be back next summer!  Next week we move to the elementary school for four days (Friday is a teacher workday).  With the time we had left we had a fantastic morning assembly.  Campers went crazy dancing and had plenty of energy during the Birdie Song.  We are incredibly grateful for our camper’s parents.  Thanks for sending us your children each day.  We hope this blog has been a way for you to see what they get up to while you’re off at work.  Enjoy the videos!


Fun at Morning Assembly!

This morning we had to slightly modify our schedule.  We had flag pole inside because of the rain and then went straight into morning assembly.  The energy from flag pole carried over and we had a great time!

Purple Morning Assembly

Today we celebrated a unique Sports Camp moment during morning assembly.  All summer our campers are tasked with passing off levels in their blue books.  These levels involve skills and knowledge of the sport.  Purple level is the final and toughest level to complete.  We want to congratulate Thomas and Nick for their hard work all summer to pass off all the soccer levels and earn their Purple Level trophies!  Enjoy some pictures from assembly!

Man Time taking over!

As the summer progresses a couple of trending tend to be revealed.  This summer it has been the summer of Man time.  Man Time is when our campers get the chance to hang out around camp without their shirts on.  For as simple as that sounds, our boy campers love it!  They have formed “Man Time Nation”, and we have seen t-shirts become ninja masks.  However, today man time took over morning assembly!  Almost all the boys took of their shirts and began waving them above their heads.  Austin, our Assistant Director, was tempted to give the spirit stick to all the boys, but chose to give it to the most deserving huddle.  Congrats to the Galaxy for overcoming Man Time to win the spirit stick!