Tag Archives: messy monday

8-13 Assembly Videos

For assembly this morning we had a rap battle Messy Monday that ended with Linelle getting pied in the face with baby lotion, and a skit that featured a time traveling thief, a time traveling detective and some friendly faces from Week 2 of Camp!  Take a look at both videos!


Purple Morning Assembly

Today we celebrated a unique Sports Camp moment during morning assembly.  All summer our campers are tasked with passing off levels in their blue books.  These levels involve skills and knowledge of the sport.  Purple level is the final and toughest level to complete.  We want to congratulate Thomas and Nick for their hard work all summer to pass off all the soccer levels and earn their Purple Level trophies!  Enjoy some pictures from assembly!

Monday Week 7!

We look at everyday at camp to be the best day of the summer.  We like to think that each day will be even better than the last.  With the way week 7 has gotten underway it’s shaping up to be our best week yet!  The Birdie Song was sung loudly to get assembly started, and we got to meet some Australian bobsledders! (Check the Skits page for that video!)  Campers were treated to a milk and cereal messy monday challenge, and a great session of ranks!  Lastly, we got our first look at Lacrosse Camp!  The Lizards counselor, Coach Dan, has been waiting all summer for lacrosse and ran a great skill session with the campers!  Thanks to everyone for a great Monday morning at Outer Limits and Sports Camp!

Pitch Perfect Messy Monday

Camp O-apalooza week of camp started off with a messy challenge to remember this morning.  The four counselors chosen had to guess the note Colin played from his tuner.  When a counselor got the note wrong that had to take a couple bites from the bowl of soup they were given at the beginning of the challenge.  Have a look at who won!

Messy Monday & Morning Assembly

Welcome back to another great week at Outer Limits and Sports Camp!  It was great to see some familiar faces in assembly and even better to see the new ones!  Here at camp we are always trying to give our campers memorable moments.  We believe that morning assembly is one of the best times to create these moments.  Each day our campers meet some wacky skit characters, dance until they start sweating, and most importantly they get to see their counselors get messy!  Today’s Messy Monday was more sweet than usual (we are celebrating Valentine’s day at camp).  Nicole, Kristi, and Deanna were all pied in the face with caramel and chocolate sauce!  Have a look at the fun times from our assembly this morning!

Messy Monday!

An Epic Messy Monday!

We had a blast at assembly this morning!  Our campers were treated to an awesome Messy Monday that got 2 counselors, 1 office manager, and the Assistant Director messy!  Have a look at some of the pictures and the messy video!

Monday Assembly Videos

Below are the videos from this morning’s assembly.  Enjoy and feel free to add a comment!


The Last Messy Monday..

We have had eight Monday’s of getting our counselors messy.  Have a look at what Jeremy and Allison got to do this morning

A Messy Monday Homer Simpson Would Approve Of!

David had a very creative Messy Monday challenge for our counselors and campers this morning.  The three counselors were blind-folded.  There challenge was to eat a doughnut that was attached to a string guided by a camper.  To make things a little more messy the doughnuts were covered in chocolate syrup!  Watch what happened!

Anyone for Pumpkin Pie?

Our theme this week at camp is Holiday Party.  Each day we will have a different holiday and the assembly challenges and skits will be tied into this theme.  Family Night on Thursday at 7:00 will be our Holiday Party in which we invite all of you to join us for lots of fun and good times!

Back to this morning and assembly!  The holiday for Monday is Halloween.  The counselors that were chosen had to be a part of a human pumpkin pie!  Watch what happened!  (It’s pretty messy!)