Tag Archives: holiday party

Pictures from the Holiday Extravaganza

Here they are…the pictures from our third Family Night!

Reminder about Family Night

Our third Family NIght of the summer is tomorrow at Mills Park at 7:00 P.M. We will be having a big holiday party! Families and friends are welcome to come out and enjoy the fun games and activities we have planned! As always, campers who come to Family Night will get an awesome Family Night bead!

On behalf of the Outer Limits and Sports Camp staff we hope to see you all tomorrow at 7:00!

Anyone for Pumpkin Pie?

Our theme this week at camp is Holiday Party.  Each day we will have a different holiday and the assembly challenges and skits will be tied into this theme.  Family Night on Thursday at 7:00 will be our Holiday Party in which we invite all of you to join us for lots of fun and good times!

Back to this morning and assembly!  The holiday for Monday is Halloween.  The counselors that were chosen had to be a part of a human pumpkin pie!  Watch what happened!  (It’s pretty messy!)