Tag Archives: camp o film fest

Camp Outer Limits Film Festival Films

For those of you who did not make it out to Family Night yesterday the films from last night’s Family Night are online!  Check them out below!

One Shining Summer

Legendary Zombies

Honey!  We Shrunk the Counselors

Camp One Commercials Part I

Camp One Commercials Part II


Thanks to all the families came out last night!


Assembly Videos!

Assembly was awesome this morning!  Our Double Dare Tuesday challenge was blind dodgeball.  The two competing counselors had to get directions and play dodgeball in the dark!  Check out the video below to see how they did!

And in our skit Josh set out to find actors for the Camp O Film Fest only to realize that he has almost two hundred campers who’d be perfect for that job!  Watch Tuesday’s skit in the video below!


And don’t forget about Family Night on Thursday at 7:00!!