Tag Archives: camp o

Dear Camp Outer Limits,

Dear Camp Outer Limits,

Well Camp O, you’ve done it again, for the 25th time!  You’ve given me so many amazing memories from another fantastic summer!  Before I begin with my thoughts and emotions from this summer I wanted to tell you a story about someone who has been  immensely impactful to the person that I have become.

His name was Tyson Whittington.  He was my camp counselor when I was 11 years old.  He was the perfect mix of role model and big brother.  We would play in the pool every day.  I tried my best to dunk him, my attempts were in vain.  Tyson was a football star at Cary High School, he was the starting quarterback.  Everything I’ve heard about who he was in high school reflects who he was at camp.  He was outgoing, enthusiastic, and friends with everyone.  He made me forget about everything in the world and let me focus on being a camper at Camp O.  Sadly, I was never able to say thanks to Tyson.  He passed away in a car accident 11 years ago.  It was August 15, 2001.  Tyson’s memory and how he represented the YMCA were a major factor in me wanting to work at the Y when I was old enough.  I was given this picture by my mom after Tyson had passed.  It has remained one of my most treasured possessions to this day.  Whenever I look at this picture I am reminded about all the special moments I got to share with Tyson; I remember the summer days spent at Camp O.  My Tyson story is one of hundreds from the first 25 summers at Camp Outer Limits.  Stories from one camp that has meant so much to so many people.  

This camp is more than a camp; it is a second home.  It is a place where you will always be greeted with a friendly face and a smile.  It is a place where counselors leave their personal lives at the door in order to better pour into our campers.  Camp O is hard to fully describe in words; it is the experience that makes it special.  At Camp O we roll with everything that is given to us.  If it starts raining during Ranks, they become “RANKS IN THE RAIN!” with campers running around looking for puddles to jump into.  At Camp O something as simple and silly as “Man Time”  united our boy campers together this summer in a unique way unlike  any other activity we could have planned or programmed.  It just happened and our counselors went along for the ride.

At Camp O we don’t forget about Sports Camp.  We are forever bonded with a great group of campers and counselors who are running one of the best sports program in whole association.  Sport Camp reminds us that being 14 and gifted at soccer doesn’t mean scoring goals all the time.  Our talented campers have the desire to coach and make the other campers around them better.  I have never seen a camper like Nick.  Nick could play soccer all day, but his passion for sharing the sport is unlike anything I’ve seen from a 14 year old.  That is why seeing Nick leave camp, on his last day as a camper, in tears gets to me.  At Camp O we have a passion for the community.  We have middle school aged campers who are willing to organize and run a bake sale that raised over 700 dollars.  At Camp O we have “Let’s Get Messy” Family Nights where campers and parents are willing to play messy games and slide down slip-n-slides.  At Camp O we have something for everyone.

My boss and Camp Director, Jai Kumar, challenged us as a staff this summer to make camp home.  We wanted to be able to tell any camper that came through our doors, “Welcome Home.”  I think we achieved this goal and much more.  We have created a home and a camp family.  I have seen campers care for one another the way a family does, with unconditional love.  We have created a culture and atmosphere where campers are given responsibility and thrive.  Our campers are the best in the world, we wouldn’t trade them for anyone.  Without amazing campers who truly care for one another we would not have the camp we have.  I can honestly say that it is our campers who make our camp great.

However, camp would not be possible without another group of special people, our parents.  I have been outside during Rides In and Out nearly every day this summer and the relationships I have formed have been outstanding.  I cannot remember a summer when I have hugged just as many parents as campers.  To our camp moms and dads I want to say we are grateful to have your children with us and humbled by the trust you show in us.  Letting us spend the day with your kids has been a rewarding experience for all of our staff and we thank you.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to a group of counselors who have worked their tails off for 9 weeks of camp.  Without the staff who have given everything they had to camp we would not be the greatest camp of them all.

I have spent 15 summers at Camp Outer Limits and I am still reminded daily about the special impact of this place.  The best part about putting in the hard work and effort to create a home and a family is that goodbyes will always be hard but we get to have a summer long reunion each year.  We cannot wait to see our Camp Outer Limits family again next summer!  I love my home and my family, I love Camp Outer Limits!

With all sincerity,
Josh Bunch

Josh and Tyson


Last Day: Part II

No need for many words so here we go.  Pictures from out last day at camp!  We love Camp O beyond words!  Thanks for another great summer!

Bonus Pictures from Wednesday!

Here are some photos we did not get a chance to blog yesterday afternoon!  Our huddles are getting changing and ready to swim for the last time!  This day is flying by!

The Last Day: Part I

We are doing our best to slow down time and keep this day going!  Memories have been made thus far through Flag Pole, Assembly, Would You Rather Thursday and the first hour of Ranks.  Have a look!

Fun At Ranks!

Today our campers had an awesome time out at Ranks!  Campers played rugby, soccer, basketball and volleyball.  Ranks are a great time for our campers to just explore camp and experience the various options we can provide here at camp.

Afternoon Ranks from Tuesday

We had lots of things going on this afternoon at Ranks.  Campers were playing kickball, completing an obstacle course on the playground, playing in the Board Room, knockout in the gym, and several other activities.  Have a look at the pictures and have a great night!

Wacky Wednesday for Tomorrow (8-15)

Tomorrow is Time Travel Day at camp!  Feel free to send your camper in clothes representing either the past or the future.  We encourage creativity with these Wacky Wednesday costumes so feel free to go all out!  We can’t wait to see what everyone wears tomorrow morning!  Dressing up does earn your camper a Wacky Wednesday bead!

The Rest of Ranks

While exciting things were happening at archery and football ranks we had other great moments to witness from our campers at Ranks!  Enjoy some great pictures from Creative Arts, Dance, Front Porch, Basketball, and many more!

Coachin’ ‘Em Up!

During Football Rank this morning Coach Dan had the opportunity to show some campers the proper footwork and mechanics required throw a football.  Seeing such passion from our counselors during Ranks is an awesome sight.  Knowing that we have staff who want to teach and develop our camper’s skills is a rewarding thing to watch and witness!

Bullseye on a Piñata!

This morning we had a rare feat occur at archery rank.  James, a Charizard camper, hit a piñata from 20 yards away!  It was an amazing thing to witness!  Have a look at the pictures from a happy camper and a proud archery chief!