Tag Archives: camp 3

Camp 3 Tank Wars

Tank Wars are an activity that we do on occasion at camp.  Campers are split up into teams and are tasked with building a “tank” from cardboard.  The tank is then taken outside and water balloons, hoses, and squirt guns are used by our counselors to see which group’s tank lasts the longest.  Tank wars are a great team building exercise for our campers.  Have a look at the Camp 3 Tank War from yesterday!

The Impact of Middle Schoolers – Bake Sale!

The Impact of Middle Schoolers – Bake Sale!

It is humbling to see the work our middle schoolers put into planning and organizing their Bake Sale.  The bake sale started around 3:15 with campers who came to camp with money getting their treats.  At 4:30 the table and baked goods were moved outside.  The campers did a great job talking to parents and showing the enthusiasm for their special event.  In the end, hundreds of cookies, brownies, and cupcakes were sold.  The final tally was 712 dollars, all going to charity!  It is rare to see 6th, 7th, and 8th graders with a passion for wanting to improve their community.  We can all learn a lesson from these great campers who are truly special boys and girls!


Let’s Dance, with Camp 3!

Today we hosted Camp Rising Sun for a middle school dance here at camp!  From all the pictures it looked like the campers had a blast showing off their best dance moves!  Thanks to Rising Sun for coming out and dancing with us today!

Slip-N-Slide with Camp 3!

Rainy days at camp do have some neat advantages.  One thing is setting up a slip-n-slide for our Camp 3 huddles!

Messy + Team Building + Front Porch Chilling = Outer Limits Huddle Time

For three afternoons during the week, our huddles get to take a break from Ranks.  During this time we have what is called Huddle Time.  Each huddle gets to go off and do activities with just their huddle.  Some days, our head counselors plan these times and other times our staff do the planning.  Today, Debby took the Horton’s to the Bermuda Triangle for water games and messy twister.  Camp 3 was on the lawn doing a variety of team building games.  Lastly, Camp 2 played soccer and hung out at the Front Porch.  Have a look at some photos from another great Outer Limits Huddle Time!

Huddle Time Fun!

This afternoon our Camp 3 huddle, The Tracker Jackers, got to have a shaving cream fight on the lawn.  Each camp was equipped with shaving cream in both hands and they got to run around trying to see who was the messiest.  Meanwhile, our youngest huddle at camp, The Whos, played some parachute games in the gym.  Have a look at the fun we had this afternoon during huddle time!

Talent Show Performances

We hope everyone had the greatest time Thursday night.  It was so great seeing everyone who came out to spend their evening with us.  As promised the videos of each act from the Talent show are below.  (The End of Summer Slideshow will be in the next post.)



Thanks again to everyone who came out to Family Night!  We hope everyone had a blast!

We Got Talent!

What an awesome Family Night we had tonight!  Thanks to all the campers and parents for coming out, eating dinner, and watching the awesome talent show acts.  We hope everyone had an awesome night!  Below are some pictures from the night, expect many more tomorrow as well as the videos of each huddle performing.  Lastly, we will also be uploading the Slideshow for everyone to see.  Thanks for the memories this summer, they will surely last a lifetime.

Lets Dance!

This afternoon our camp 3 huddle, the Autobots, had an dance party with our friends from Camp Rising Sun.  The music was loud, the dancing was fun, and the campers had a lot sweat when it was all said and done.  Have a look at some of the pictures!

Warning: This post contains awful dancing

Yesterday afternoon I got the chance to spend some time with the Autobots during huddle time.  Their counselors brought in a Wii for them to play.  After a couple turns I was convinced to give it a go and of course we have a video of how awful my dancing was.  It should make you laugh!  How did I do?!