Tag Archives: camp 2

Messy + Team Building + Front Porch Chilling = Outer Limits Huddle Time

For three afternoons during the week, our huddles get to take a break from Ranks.  During this time we have what is called Huddle Time.  Each huddle gets to go off and do activities with just their huddle.  Some days, our head counselors plan these times and other times our staff do the planning.  Today, Debby took the Horton’s to the Bermuda Triangle for water games and messy twister.  Camp 3 was on the lawn doing a variety of team building games.  Lastly, Camp 2 played soccer and hung out at the Front Porch.  Have a look at some photos from another great Outer Limits Huddle Time!

Talent Show Performances

We hope everyone had the greatest time Thursday night.  It was so great seeing everyone who came out to spend their evening with us.  As promised the videos of each act from the Talent show are below.  (The End of Summer Slideshow will be in the next post.)



Thanks again to everyone who came out to Family Night!  We hope everyone had a blast!

One last Huddle Time

Huddle Time this summer has always been a great part of the day during our summer here at Outer Limits.  On Friday, our counselors had a few awesome things planned.  The Perrys and Ferbs had an some fun with a water balloon toss with some pretty big water balloons.  The Thundercats got pretty messy with some shaving cream and the Sonics played with water balloons, paint balloons, and shaving cream.  I was lucky enough to hang out with the Sonics during huddle time yesterday and it was an amazing time!

We were glad to be a part of so many memorable moments during this summer and getting to share them all with you!

We Got Talent!

What an awesome Family Night we had tonight!  Thanks to all the campers and parents for coming out, eating dinner, and watching the awesome talent show acts.  We hope everyone had an awesome night!  Below are some pictures from the night, expect many more tomorrow as well as the videos of each huddle performing.  Lastly, we will also be uploading the Slideshow for everyone to see.  Thanks for the memories this summer, they will surely last a lifetime.

Our Huddles!

Below are pictures of all the huddles we have at camp this week.  Each day our campers are with their huddles for morning assembly, snack and lunch, swimming, and huddle time.  Our huddles are sorted by grade.  Have a look at some silly pictures of all our huddles at camp starting with Sports Camp!

Sports Camp!

The Galaxy

The Jayhawks

The Jets

The Crew

 Outer Limits!

The Ferbs

The Perrys

The Thundercats

The Sonics

The Autobots


How’s the weather?

This afternoon our Camp Two huddles, the Sonics and Thunderdcats, got the chance to meet a meteorologist.  The campers saw a short film about the exciting world of weather forecasting.  Then they got to take turns at a couple of different stations that showed off various types of weather and the tools needed to observe the weather.  Have a look at a few of the pictures from the stations!

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