A sequence of events..

We started morning assembly today with good intentions.  To be done and at Ranks by 10:00.  Sometimes things happen in assembly that cause us to push back the start of Ranks.  Like this morning for instance.

Here’s what happened…

First we spun the wheel.  Campers, Nick and Kris, gave the wheel some really good spins.

Next we got our Would You Rather Thursday challenge started.  It was would you rather make a PB&J or eat one?  The counselors who chose to make the sandwich had a minute to use their feet and the two who wanted to eat had to eat what the first two did.

Finally after hearing some ‘Kiss the Foot’ cheers we called Stacy in from the office to spin the wheel again.  Hannah was chosen to kiss Charli’s peanut butter and jelly covered foot.


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